5G Vs 4G: Why Should You Upgrade Your Phone?

Most of us like to upgrade our phones at certain intervals because we want the latest features, innovative tech, better cameras, more memory, screens with improved resolution, and of course, faster functioning. You may also want to add network technology standards to that list. We now have 5G networks in Kuwait, with Ooredoo, Zain, and STC being declared the best providers of the service. 

First, let’s understand what is 5G.

It is the fifth-generation tech standard for mobile networks. The first was of course 1G, and subsequently, there were 2G, 3G, and 4G technologies, and 5G is the latest one. This technology claims to provide between 1 and 10 Gbps download speed, though in reality, the speeds are around 100 to 500 Mbps – in some rare cases, it goes up to 1 Gbps or slightly more. 

The reason for this difference is that the performance of the network depends on what type of 5G the network carrier uses: the quality of reception, the network load in real-time, and finally, the capabilities of the 5G device itself.

There are three types of frequency bands used for 5G operations:

  • Low band networks – these have long ranges but download speeds are similar to 4G
  • Mid-band networks – these offer very high download speeds – over 100 Mbps, and a single tower is capable of covering several kilometres. As it offers an optimal balance of speed and range, this is the most popular 5G technology globally
  • High-band networks – using mm waves of 24 to 40 gigahertz, these types of networks offer very short ranges but very high download speeds, often much above 1Gbps. It is commonly deployed in urban areas that are densely populated or have high footfalls like shopping areas, parks, and so on.

Let us now understand in some detail what advantages this technology has over 4G. 

5G Networks Offer Download Speeds Higher Than 4G Networks

As we saw above, 5G networks offer a minimum of 100 Mbps to 500 Mbps download speeds, on sub 6Ghz networks, and on mmWave networks (high band), this speed goes up to 1 Gb and over. Today’s 4G networks offer around 10 to 50 Mbps download speeds – that’s a huge jump! With this high speed of data transfer and downloads, you can do a whole lot more with your phone which you would have never dreamed of earlier. 

Imagine streaming 4k or 8k video on your mobile device – laptop or mobile phone, with zero buffering. You can even do stuff like play hi-res multiplayer games, make hi-res video calls, consume VR content and get immersive experiences, and so on.

Connected or autonomous cars can leverage 5G networks as it offers rapid data exchange between objects that move. Other fields where 5G can be used beneficially are smart cities, the Internet of Things, healthcare, education, and so on.

5G Has Lower Latency in Comparison To 4G

This is the second important advantage that 5G technology has over 4G. During data transfer, it has much lower latency; that is, the time is taken between you tapping on the download icon, and the actual download beginning, is much lesser than what it takes in 4G networks. 

This means you have almost instant access to data, and that too in real-time. This feature is extremely helpful in fields like smart homes, connected cards, IoT controls, smart city applications, cloud gaming, multiplayer gaming, virtual reality and augmented reality applications, and so on.

5G Has Higher Network Capacity Compared To 4G Networks

5G network capacity is much higher than a 4G network, and this means that a 5G network is able to support a lot more traffic – up to a hundred times more. This translates into allowing several more devices and people to connect through a 5G network as compared with a 4G network; of course, this is more of an advantage to the carrier instead of end users. However, end users also benefit in the sense that they can connect to more people easily and quickly.

5G Uses Radio Spectrum More Efficiently

As the radio spectrum efficiency is much better in a 5G network, a greater number of consumers can get a lot more services with the same resources in comparison with the older 4G network. This feature also benefits the carrier and the end users. Carriers can reduce the costs of services delivered, and end-users can indulge in multi-player gaming, video calling with more clarity, and so on.

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Don’t worry we got the best 5G smartphones at exciting offers at Trikart. 

The 5G Network Is A More Unified Ecosystem

The 4G network was designed just to connect laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This is not the case with 5G networks; it has been designed and developed considering several use cases. As we have briefly seen above, 5G networks can be effectively used in smart cities, smart homes, integrated with IoT technology, autonomous vehicles, healthcare, internet hotspots, and the like. 

What’s more, the 5G network can also work together with 4G. In fact, it is being used along with the 4G technology currently, till 5G SA becomes more widely available. It supports multiple frequency bands, types of devices, spectrums, and deployments.


Almost all of the new Smartphones available in the market today are 5G ready. If you are changing your phone, it makes sense to get a new 5G phone rather than a second-hand 4G phone. Even if you think you don’t really need all that speed right now, this is the time to trade in your 4G phone for a 5G one. Sure, with time, more features and innovations may be included in the 5G handsets, but how long will you wait for the ’perfect’ phone?  

This is the right time to upgrade your phone to 5G. You will be happy with your decision once you start using the phone and enjoy the lightning speeds offered by Kuwait’s leading carriers.